⚰️ Coffin Emoji
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Meaning of ⚰️ emoji
Coffin emoji — well, it’s obvious what is a Coffin. It can be used as a direct sign of a thing where you put the body when somebody is dead or the process of a funeral in general. In indirect meaning in can be used in these types of context: do you want to show that you are dead after a hard work? Do you want to show that you are the Dracula or a 🧛 Vampire in general — use Coffin emoji along with the Cross, Vampire.
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⚰️ General information
English name | Coffin Emoji |
How to type shortcode | :coffin: |
Unicode (fully-qualified) | U+26B0 |
Unicode version | Unicode 4.1 (2005) |
Hex Code Points | 26B0 |
URL Escape Code | %E2%9A%B0%EF%B8%8F |