🧮 Abacus Emoji
📋 Inhoud
Meaning of 🧮 emoji
Abacus emoji is a wooden square with beads in the center across poles. Okay, so what exactly is an abacus? Before the written number system was invented and far before the first calculator, it was used to count and track numbers. You would slide the beads on their rods to count, each line representing a different numerical place. If you have a friend who has no idea what an Abacus is, you might be getting this emoji with a 😕 Confused Face emoji asking to please explain what thia strang tool is.
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🧮 General information
English name | Abacus Emoji |
How to type shortcode | :abacus: |
Unicode (fully-qualified) | U+1F9EE |
Unicode version | Unicode 11.0 (2018) |
Hex Code Points | 1F9EE |
URL Escape Code | %F0%9F%A7%AE |