🩹 Kleefband Emoji
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Meaning of 🩹 emoji
Adhesive Bandage emoji is an image of a bandage. This emoji can be used to show that you have gotten yourself hurt and are in need of some medical care. But, you can also imagine that this emoji can be sent out to people who are ranting and raving about being harmed or insulted in a petty way of telling them to calm down and get over it. Send it with the 🏥 Hospital emoji if you hurt yourself and won’t be available while you get medical attention. If you have a friend that is so sensitive that they get insulted by every little thing, send this emoji with the 🙄 Face With Rolling Eyes emoji as another way to kindly tell them to get over it and to stop annoying you.
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Het doet pijn om op te stijgen 🩹 wanneer je zo behaard bent We kwamen uit van 🩹 in de First Aid KitCombinaties en Kaomojis van 🩹
Uiterlijk op verschillende platforms
Emoji op verschillende platforms, besturingssystemen en apparaten zien er anders uit. Elke fabrikant van webservices, OS of gadgets kan een emoji-ontwerp maken in overeenstemming met hun huisstijl en visie:
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🩹 General information
English name | Adhesive Bandage Emoji |
How to type shortcode | :adhesive_bandage: |
Unicode (fully-qualified) | U+1FA79 |
Unicode version | Unicode 12.0 (2019) |
Hex Code Points | 1FA79 |
URL Escape Code | %F0%9F%A9%B9 |