๐ช Timmerwerk Zaag Emoji
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Meaning of ๐ช emoji
Carpentry Saw emoji is an image of a standard hand saw. These saws require no electricity, and are favorites to use when talking about building some furniture or doing some handy work around the ๐ House. Since it is a saw, you can use this emoji to tell someone that you are cutting ties with them with no hopes of fixing things again.Send it with the ๐ Hammer And Wrench emoji to tell someone you will be busy doing repairs around the home. Or send it with the ๐ Person Gesturing NO emoji to tell someone you are done with them and are cutting them off from you completly.
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Uiterlijk op verschillende platforms
Emoji op verschillende platforms, besturingssystemen en apparaten zien er anders uit. Elke fabrikant van webservices, OS of gadgets kan een emoji-ontwerp maken in overeenstemming met hun huisstijl en visie:
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๐ช General information
English name | Carpentry Saw Emoji |
How to type shortcode | N/A |
Unicode (fully-qualified) | U+1FA9A |
Unicode version | Unicode 13.0 (2020) |
Hex Code Points | 1FA9A |
URL Escape Code | %F0%9F%AA%9A |