🪥 Tandenborstel Emoji
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Meaning of 🪥 emoji
Toothbrush emoji is an image of a hand-held bristled brush meant to clean 🦷 Teeth. Everyone should own a toothbrush as it helps keep teeth clean, so use this emoji when talking about dental health. It can also be used to say to someone they have some bad breath and should probably get that issue taken care of.Send it with the 👄 Mouth emoji to help pass along the message to keep teeth clean and healthy. Send it with the 😷 Face With Medical Mask emoji to politely tell someone they really need to see a dentist.
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Uiterlijk op verschillende platforms
Emoji op verschillende platforms, besturingssystemen en apparaten zien er anders uit. Elke fabrikant van webservices, OS of gadgets kan een emoji-ontwerp maken in overeenstemming met hun huisstijl en visie:
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🪥 General information
English name | Toothbrush Emoji |
How to type shortcode | N/A |
Unicode (fully-qualified) | U+1FAA5 |
Unicode version | Unicode 13.0 (2020) |
Hex Code Points | 1FAA5 |
URL Escape Code | %F0%9F%AA%A5 |