๐Ÿช™ Munt Emoticon

Meaning of ๐Ÿช™ emoji

Coin emoji is an image of a single gold coin. Coins are a form of money, so you can use this emoji when talking about money, or asking someone if they can lend you some desperate cash. Since coins have two sides, you can send this emoji to tell someone to flip a coin so they can decide which of two options they should do.Send it with the ๐Ÿ‘ Thumbs Up emoji to show someone that they should flip a coin to decide. Or send it with the ๐Ÿ‘› Purse emoji to ask someone if they could lend you some cash.

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๐Ÿช™ Examples of using

Tik / klik om te kopiรซren en plakken

Gooi een ๐Ÿช™ in de put en doe een wens Ik heb wat ๐Ÿช™ voor de parkeermeter

Combinaties en Kaomojis van ๐Ÿช™

Uiterlijk op verschillende platforms

Emoji op verschillende platforms, besturingssystemen en apparaten zien er anders uit. Elke fabrikant van webservices, OS of gadgets kan een emoji-ontwerp maken in overeenstemming met hun huisstijl en visie:

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๐Ÿช™ General information

English name Coin Emoji
How to type shortcode N/A
Unicode (fully-qualified) U+1FA99
Unicode version Unicode 13.0 (2020)
Hex Code Points 1FA99
URL Escape Code %F0%9F%AA%99